Public Schools (Assigned)
Your neighbourhood is part of a community of Public Schools offering Elementary, Middle, and High School programming. See the closest Public Schools near you below:
Regent Heights Public School
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle
555 Pharmacy Ave, Scarborough, ON M1L 3H1, Canada
Regent Heights Public School began in October 1921 as a frame portable on the east side of Bexhill Avenue on rented property. Known as Regent's Park at that time, the school was really an annex to Oakridge School. Since then, the school location has changed twice and there have been many renovations and expansions to keep up with the increasing student population. We have been in the existing two-storey building, which began as a four-room facility, since September 1947. Today we are a vibrant school housing Kindergarten to Grade 8.
Address | 555 Pharmacy Ave, Scarborough, ON M1L 3H1, Canada |
Language | English |
Date Opened | 01-09-1969 |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-396-6535 |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
School Number | 479900 |
Grades Offered | PK to 8 |
School Board Number | B66052 |
District Description | Toronto and Area Regional Office |
ÉÉ Jeanne-Lajoie
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary
150 Carnforth Rd, North York, ON M4A 2H6, Canada
L’éducation des enfants se fait grâce à une alliance école, famille et communauté. Le travail en équipe et la création de partenariats solides sont essentiels pour s’assurer que les élèves réalisent leur plein potentiel. Ensemble, nous pouvons les accompagner à devenir des citoyens engagés et responsables contribuant à l’essor de notre société. Soyez assurés que l’équipe de Jeanne-Lajoie s’engage à offrir un milieu éducatif enrichissant, inclusif et bienveillant à vos enfants.
Address | 150 Carnforth Rd, North York, ON M4A 2H6, Canada |
Language | French |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-397-2080 |
School Board | CS Viamonde |
School Number | 282260 |
Grades Offered | PK to 6 |
School Board Number | B66303 |
ÉS Michelle-O'Bonsawin
24 Mountjoy Ave, Toronto, ON M4J 1J6, Canada
Address | 24 Mountjoy Ave, Toronto, ON M4J 1J6, Canada |
Language | French |
Grade Level | Middle |
School Type | Public |
School Board | CS Viamonde |
Grades Offered | 7 to 9 |
SATEC @ W. A. Porter Collegiate Institute
40 Fairfax Crescent, Scarborough, ON M1L, Canada
SATEC @ W.A. Porter CI is the Scarborough Academy for Technological, Environmental and Computer Education, a school with a specialized program for students who want to be successful citizens of the 21st century. SATEC offers an innovative program that combines rigorous academics with in-depth applications of technology, computer and environmental studies. SATEC provides a climate for structured and accountable learning with high academic and citizenship expectations for all students, including student uniforms and adherence to a code of behaviour. The curriculum stresses the importance of study skills, ethics, and personal accountability. We offer exciting leadership opportunities with an extensive array of school organizations.
Address | 40 Fairfax Crescent, Scarborough, ON M1L, Canada |
Language | English |
Date Opened | 01-09-1969 |
Grade Level | High |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-396-3365 |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
School Number | 949744 |
Grades Offered | 9 to 12 |
Additional Details | Special Focus |
School Board Number | B66052 |
District Description | Toronto and Area Regional Office |
Collège français secondaire
High and Middle
100 Carlton St, Toronto, ON M5B 1M3, Canada
Le Collège français sera un milieu de vie stimulant pour tes amis et toi. Toute une équipe est là, chaque jour, pour t’aider à découvrir de nouveaux horizons et à mieux comprendre le monde qui t’entoure.
Address | 100 Carlton St, Toronto, ON M5B 1M3, Canada |
Language | French |
Grade Level | High and Middle |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-0175 |
School Board | CS Viamonde |
School Number | 918997 |
Grades Offered | 7 to 12 |
Additional Details | International Baccalaureate |
School Board Number | B66303 |
Public Schools (Nearby)
Kapapamahchakwew - Wandering Spirit School
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle and High
16 Phin Ave, Toronto, ON M4J 3T2, Canada
In 1977, this school was founded on the vision of Pauline Shirt and Vern Harper who were looking for a safer school for their own child. They searched for a school that was culturally safe and nurtured their son’s Indigenous identity. But when a school couldn’t be found, they founded their own school known as Wandering Spirit Survival School, which was designated as an alternative school. In 1983, the school was recognized by the TDSB as a Cultural Survival/Native Way program instead of an alternative school. In 1989, the program was renamed First Nations School of Toronto (FNST). Then in 2018/19, the school returned to its original roots and after a renaming ceremony, and is now called Kapapamahchakwew - Wandering Spirit School.
Address | 16 Phin Ave, Toronto, ON M4J 3T2, Canada |
Language | English |
Date Opened | 30-06-1977 |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle and High |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-0555 |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
School Number | 589896 |
Grades Offered | PK to 12 |
Additional Details | Special Focus and First Nations |
School Board Number | B66052 |
District Description | Toronto and Area Regional Office |
Danforth Collegiate and Technical Institute
800 Greenwood Ave, Toronto, ON M4J 4B6, Canada
Danforth Collegiate and Technical Institute is a composite and specialized Math, Science and Technology school that is proud of its past and ready for the challenges of both the present and future. The school motto is "We learn by doing" and, indeed, experiential learning defines the "Danforth Way". Students have access to a wide selection of engaging and innovative courses, offered in a caring, encouraging, and inclusive atmosphere. Across the subject disciplines, from Technological Studies to the Arts, individual student creativity is encouraged and celebrated. Danforth also supports a wide range of students with special needs and is committed to the learning success of all students.
Address | 800 Greenwood Ave, Toronto, ON M4J 4B6, Canada |
Language | English |
Date Opened | 01-09-1969 |
Grade Level | High |
School Code | 5615 |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-0620 |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
School Number | 903469 |
Grades Offered | 9 to 12 |
Additional Details | STEAM |
School Board Number | B66052 |
District Description | Toronto and Area Regional Office |
Catholic Schools (Assigned)
Your neighbourhood is part of a community of Catholic Schools offering Elementary, Middle, and High School programming. See the closest Catholic Schools near you below:
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle
3176 St Clair Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1L 1V6, Canada
From the youngest students in our Early Learning Program (Kindergarten) to our 14-year-old grade eight graduates, Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School strives to meet the spiritual needs of every student. While we have been created as unique individuals, our faith is the common fibre that binds us all - students, staff and parents. The staff and parents of Our Lady of Fatima are committed to nurturing a culture of high expectations.
Address | 3176 St Clair Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1L 1V6, Canada |
Language | English |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5252 |
School Board | Toronto CDSB |
School Number | 743704 |
Grades Offered | PK to 8 |
Additional Details | Religious and French Immersion |
School Board Number | B67059 |
ÉÉC Georges-Étienne-Cartier
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary
250 Gainsborough Rd, Toronto, ON M4L 3C6, Canada
L’école élémentaire catholique Georges-Étienne-Cartier accueille plus de 400 élèves du jardin à la 6e année. Elle est une école dynamique caractérisée par une panoplie d’activités culturelles, pédagogiques, pastorales et communautaires où le français rayonne. Dotée d’une mission et d’une vision avant-gardistes, l’école est une communauté apprenante qui a à cœur l’éducation et l’amélioration du rendement de tous les élèves. À cet effet, plusieurs initiatives sont mises en place pour assurer le succès et l’épanouissement de tous. Le personnel œuvre dans un esprit de collaboration afin de s’outiller d’une pédagogie branchée et engageante.
Address | 250 Gainsborough Rd, Toronto, ON M4L 3C6, Canada |
Language | French |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5314 |
School Board | CS catholique MonAvenir |
School Number | 707970 |
Grades Offered | PK to 6 |
Additional Details | Religious |
School Board Number | B67318 |
ÉÉC du Bon-Berger
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary
343 Jones Ave, Toronto, ON M4J 1A7, Canada
À l’école élémentaire catholique du Bon-Berger, nous nous soucions de créer un environnement où chaque élève se sent bien dans sa peau et peut donc apprendre à son plein potentiel. Nous nous assurons d’offrir aux élèves un milieu scolaire sécuritaire où la francophonie et les valeurs catholiques occupent une place importante. Nous encourageons les élèves à développer leur estime de soi, à être à l’écoute des autres, à faire preuve d’entraide et à s’engager pleinement dans toutes les facettes de leur éducation. C’est ainsi qu’ils deviennent autonomes et responsables dans leur apprentissage.
Address | 343 Jones Ave, Toronto, ON M4J 1A7, Canada |
Language | French |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
School Board | CS catholique MonAvenir |
School Number | 760021 |
Grades Offered | PK to 6 |
Additional Details | Religious |
School Board Number | B67318 |
ÉSC Père-Philippe-Lamarche
High and Middle
2850 Eglinton Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1J, Canada
Notre établissement se veut un milieu d’apprentissage et de vie, où la francophonie et les valeurs humaines et religieuses prennent tout leur sens au sein de la communauté franco-ontarienne.
Address | 2850 Eglinton Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1J, Canada |
Language | French |
Grade Level | High and Middle |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
School Board | CS catholique MonAvenir |
School Number | 846041 |
Grades Offered | 7 to 12 |
Additional Details | Religious and International Baccalaureate |
School Board Number | B67318 |
Catholic Schools (Nearby)
Your neighbourhood is part of a community of Catholic Schools offering Elementary, Middle, and High School programming. See the closest Catholic Schools near you below:
Northmount School
Elementary, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Middle
26 Mallard Road, North York, ON M3B
Northmount is a unique place where boys are encouraged to learn and grow in a character-driven context that places a premium on our stated goal of bringing the boys along the road to honourable manhood. As parents you are your son’s first, and, most important teachers. Each boy is respected for the individual he is and his parents are very involved partners in his “school life.” The preparation for his future started at home but Northmount will continue and enhance the work you are doing as parents in an academically supportive environment. Your son will be known and mentored by his teachers and advisors. He will be understood and embraced in this community that understands and loves boys for what they really are.
Address | 26 Mallard Road, North York, ON M3B |
Grade Level | Elementary, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Middle |
Orientation | Christian and Catholic |
School Type | Private |
Contact Name | Glenn Domina |
Phone Number | 416-449-8823 |
School Board | N/A |
School Number | 875287 |
Grades Offered | PK to 8 |
Additional Details | All-Male |
District Description | Toronto and Area Regional Office |
Notre Dame Catholic High School
12 Malvern Ave, Toronto, ON M4E 3E1, Canada
Notre Dame High School is a school community formed by Catholic beliefs and traditions. We believe that all students can succeed. Inspired by Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys’ vision, we educate young women to assume leadership in their families, the Church, and in the global community.
Address | 12 Malvern Ave, Toronto, ON M4E 3E1, Canada |
Language | English |
Grade Level | High |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5501 |
School Board | Toronto CDSB |
School Number | 738115 |
Grades Offered | 9 to 12 |
Additional Details | Religious and All-Female |
School Board Number | B67059 |
Neil McNeil Catholic High School
127 Victoria Park Ave, Toronto, ON M4E, Canada
Neil McNeil High School, founded in 1958 by members of the Congregation of the Holy Ghost, the Spiritans, is a publicly-funded Catholic boys' school dedicated to the education of young men. Guided by the Holy Spirit, Neil McNeil High School aspires to foster excellence in the development of the whole person through a comprehensive educational experience in the Spiritan tradition. Within a safe and supportive community that follows the school's motto Fidelitas in Arduis, we strive to cultivate a brotherhood in which every student has the opportunity to achieve their potential and to use their gifts to serve - leading boys to be men, for others.
Address | 127 Victoria Park Ave, Toronto, ON M4E, Canada |
Language | English |
Grade Level | High |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5502 |
School Board | Toronto CDSB |
School Number | 734080 |
Grades Offered | 9 to 12 |
Additional Details | Religious and All-Male |
School Board Number | B67059 |
St. John Henry Newman Catholic High School
100 Brimley Rd, Scarborough, ON M1M, Canada
St John Henry Newman Catholic High School is named for the famous 19th century English convert to Catholicism, John Henry Newman. An accomplished author and founder of what came to be known as the Oxford movement, Newman’s efforts and example won many converts to the church. St John Henry Newman C.H.S. is located on a magnificent 45 acre campus overlooking the Scarborough Bluffs and Lake Ontario, a site shared with St. Augustine’s Seminary. Unlike traditional Catholic schools founded by religious orders, St John Henry Newman Catholic High School opened in the fall of 1973, as Cardinal Newman Catholic High School, entirely staffed by lay Catholic teachers. At St John Henry Newman Catholic High School, we are committed to making a difference in the lives of our students.
Address | 100 Brimley Rd, Scarborough, ON M1M, Canada |
Language | English |
Grade Level | High |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5519 |
School Board | Toronto CDSB |
School Number | 694193 |
Grades Offered | 9 to 12 |
Additional Details | Religious |
School Board Number | B67059 |
Parks & Rec.
Whether you want to sit at a park bench with a good book or use one of the special facilities offered, you'll be happy to know that your neighbourhood is close to many wonderful recreational opportunities. See Parks and Recreation facilities near you below:
Regents Park
115 Westbourne Ave
1 Playground, and 1 Sports Field
Warden Woods Park
74 Fir Valley Ct
Massey Creek and the Gus Harris Trail wind through the natural setting of Warden Woods Park.
1 Dog Park, and 1 Trail
Joshua Cronkwright Parkette
504 Dawes Rd
The path to enter this parkette is on Dawes Road. The parkette is located between a couple of apartment buildings. There are benches to watch the action in and around the parkette. There is no public parking close to the parkette. There is a small playground with some slides, climbing equipment and swings for children to roam and explore while being outdoors.
1 Playground
Byng Park / West Scarborough Neighbourhood Centre & Pool
299 Pharmacy Ave
This 3.6 hectare park off of Pharmacy Avenue between Danforth and Street Clair Avenue features two sports fields, three bocce courts and a children's playground. The West Scarborough Neighbourhood Centre is located at the north end of the park. West Scarborough Swimming Pool offers a perfect learning environment for young swimmers and therapeutic qualities to swimmers seeking aquatic fitness and rehabilitation programs, as well as novice and master swimmers of any age.
1 Pool, 1 Playground, 2 Sports Fields, 1 Basketball Court, 1 Community Centre, 1 Computer/Training Room, 1 Gym, and 3 Lawn Bowling/Bocce Greens
The public transit system can be an easy, cost-effective and efficient way of getting around the city, accessible from your neighbourhood. See the closest Public Transit stops near you below:
The nearest street-level transit stop is Pharmacy Ave At St Bedes Rd
Every second matters in an emergency, and your neighbourhood is part of a dedicated safety system of emergency agencies including Fire Stations, Police Stations, and Hospitals. See the closest facilities near you below:
Toronto East Health Network - Michael Garron Hospital
MGH has been proudly serving the community of east Toronto since 1929. During that time the hospital has continually renewed its commitment to the community it serves. Today, MGH is a large, urban, full-service community teaching hospital, providing comprehensive care to a diverse population of 400,000 living within its primary catchment area, from Midland Avenue in the east to Bayview Avenue in the west and north from Lake Ontario to Eglinton Avenue.
Type | Chronic Care, Emergency Care, General, Rehabilitation and Teaching |
Address | 825 Coxwell Ave, Toronto, ON, M4C 3E7, Canada |
Phone Number | (416) 461-8272 |
The nearest fire station is Fire Station 222
Address | 755 Warden Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada |
The nearest police facility is 41 Division
Address | 2222 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ON, M1K 2M2, Canada |