With so many assigned and local public schools near this home, your kids can thrive in the neighbourhood.
Nearby Schools
Archie Stouffer ES
Grades PK to 8
12 Vintage Crescent
Stuart W. Baker ES
Grades PK to 3
1080 Grass Lake Rd
J. Douglas Hodgson ES
Grades 4 to 8
1020 Grass Lake Rd
Haliburton Highlands SS
Grades 9 to 12
5358 Haliburton County Rd 21
With safety facilities in the area, help is always close by. Facilities near this home include a fire station, a police station, and a hospital within 17.66km.
Haliburton Highlands Health Services - Minden Site
6 McPherson St
Fire Station
24 Majestic Rd
Police Station
12598 35 Hwy