Public Schools (Assigned)
Your neighbourhood is part of a community of Public Schools offering Elementary, Middle, and High School programming. See the closest Public Schools near you below:
Downsview Public School
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary
2829 Keele St, North York, ON M3M 2G7, Canada
Downsview Public School is located on Keele Street, just north of Wilson Avenue, and south of Sheppard Avenue West. The first Downsview Public School was erected in 1850. The present building opened in 1948. Our school serves approximately 185 enthusiastic, bright, and industrious students. We have a very diverse, multicultural, multifaith, and multilingual student population. In fact, we have over 20 languages represented at Downsview. Other than English, the most common languages spoken are Turkish, Tagalog, Spanish, Vietnamese, Hungarian, Kurdish and Tamil. This diversity makes for a rich texture, and enriches teaching and learning for everyone. We strive to be inclusive and to make all of our families feel welcome.
Address | 2829 Keele St, North York, ON M3M 2G7, Canada |
Language | English |
Date Opened | 01-09-1969 |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary |
School Code | 3094 |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-395-2340 |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
School Number | 146978 |
Grades Offered | PK to 5 |
School Board Number | B66052 |
District Description | Toronto and Area Regional Office |
ÉÉ Mathieu-da-Costa
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary
116 Cornelius Pkwy, North York, ON M6L 2K5, Canada
Address | 116 Cornelius Pkwy, North York, ON M6L 2K5, Canada |
Language | French |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-397-2000 |
School Board | CS Viamonde |
School Number | 328910 |
Grades Offered | PK to 6 |
School Board Number | B66303 |
Pierre Laporte Middle School
1270 Wilson Ave, North York, ON M3M 1H5, Canada
Pierre Laporte Middle School is located on Wilson Avenue between Keele and Jane Streets. The school was built in 1973 in memory of Pierre Laporte, a former cabinet minister of the Quebec government. Pierre Laporte MS currently serves approximately 400 students in a multiracial, multicultural environment. We are a regional centre for students in Gifted and Behavioural programs. As well, we welcome approximately 30 students a year into our English as a Second Language program. At Pierre Laporte MS, teachers focus on ensuring that each student reaches his or her maximum potential. We work to produce confident students with strong academic and social skills.
Address | 1270 Wilson Ave, North York, ON M3M 1H5, Canada |
Language | English |
Date Opened | 05-09-1972 |
Grade Level | Middle |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-395-3070 |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
School Number | 443697 |
Grades Offered | 6 to 8 |
Additional Details | Special Needs Program, Gifted/Talented Program and English as a Second Language |
School Board Number | B66052 |
District Description | Toronto and Area Regional Office |
Downsview Secondary School
7 Hawksdale Rd, North York, ON M3K 1W3, Canada
Downsview Secondary School is a dynamic learning community where all members share a commitment to ensuring that every student achieves success. We are proud to offer challenging programs that allow students to pursue their interests and develop the knowledge and skills required to be successful in any post secondary pathway. By joining the Downsview family, your child will be a member of the DOWNSVIEW ADVANTAGE! This new and unique programming offers our students the Downsview STEM and LEADERSHIP Advantage! The Dowsview STEM advantage will provide students with enriched Science, Technology and Math courses, while The Downsview Leadership Advantage will provide leadership courses that will shape the future leaders of tomorrow.
Address | 7 Hawksdale Rd, North York, ON M3K 1W3, Canada |
Language | English |
Date Opened | 01-09-1969 |
Grade Level | High |
School Code | 3420 |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-395-3200 |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
School Number | 904635 |
Grades Offered | 9 to 12 |
Additional Details | STEM |
School Board Number | B66052 |
District Description | Toronto and Area Regional Office |
ÉS Étienne-Brûlé
High and Middle
300 Banbury Rd, North York, ON M2L 2W2, Canada
Ayant été la première école francophone du Grand Toronto, l’École secondaire Étienne-Brûlé occupe un lieu privilégié d’éducation de langue française au sein de la population de Toronto et des environs. Nous sommes le reflet de la communauté francophone torontoise actuelle. Notre école est enrichie par la présence d’élèves et de membres du personnel qui nous arrivent des quatre coins du monde et qui travaillent dans une atmosphère de respect et de collaboration.
Address | 300 Banbury Rd, North York, ON M2L 2W2, Canada |
Language | French |
Grade Level | High and Middle |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-397-2085 |
School Board | CS Viamonde |
School Number | 907588 |
Grades Offered | 7 to 12 |
Additional Details | Advanced Placement |
School Board Number | B66303 |
Public Schools (Nearby)
Bannockburn Public School
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary
12 Bannockburn Ave, North York, ON M5M 2M8
This newly renovated building is the Toronto District School Board’s sixth French Immersion Centre with French Immersion classes only. Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, there are classes from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 3. Each year after there is one grade added so that by September 2027 École Bannockburn Public School will welcome students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6.
Address | 12 Bannockburn Ave, North York, ON M5M 2M8 |
Language | French/English |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary |
School Type | Public |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
Grades Offered | PK to 3 |
Additional Details | French Immersion |
Catholic Schools (Assigned)
Your neighbourhood is part of a community of Catholic Schools offering Elementary, Middle, and High School programming. See the closest Catholic Schools near you below:
St. Jerome Catholic School
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle
111 Sharpecroft Blvd, North York, ON M3J 1P5, Canada
St. Jerome Catholic School was opened in the fall of 1963. The school building was composed of 10 classrooms and had a staff of six teachers and a principal. The student population was approximately 200. In the spring of 1966, construction began on an addition to the building which was completed by November 1966. The school is named after St. Jerome who was born in Dalmatia in the fourth century A.D. He studied in Rome and is best remembered for translating the bible into Latin. He died in 420 A.D. He is the patron saint of librarians. His feast day is celebrated on September 30th.
Address | 111 Sharpecroft Blvd, North York, ON M3J 1P5, Canada |
Language | English |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5294 |
School Board | Toronto CDSB |
School Number | 800775 |
Grades Offered | PK to 8 |
Additional Details | Religious and French Immersion |
School Board Number | B67059 |
ÉÉC Saint-Noël-Chabanel-Toronto
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary
30 Thistle Down Boulevard, Toronto, ON M9V 1H8
En 1964, une entité francophone prenait forme dans une école anglaise pour les secteurs Étobicoke de North York. Il faudra attendre jusqu’en 1976 avant que tous les intervenants scolaires ne réalisent leur grand rêve: la construction de la première école française catholique desservant la clientèle de l’ouest de la ville de Toronto. Depuis, des milliers d’élèves ont fréquenté notre école, répondant ainsi aux besoins des parents qui sont venus chercher chez nous une éducation reposant sur les caractéristiques essentielles telles la foi chrétienne et la fierté de la langue française.
Address | 30 Thistle Down Boulevard, Toronto, ON M9V 1H8 |
Language | French |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5321 |
School Board | CS catholique MonAvenir |
School Number | 845744 |
Grades Offered | PK to 6 |
Additional Details | Religious |
School Board Number | B67318 |
ÉSC Monseigneur-de-Charbonnel
High and Middle
110 Drewry Ave, North York, ON M2M 1C8, Canada
À l’Ésc Monseigneur-de-Charbonnel, vous découvrirez un esprit de famille et de fraternité ainsi qu’un sens de l’accueil qui reflète nos valeurs chrétiennes. Fiers de leur identité francophone et de l’effort de leur famille et du personnel pour maintenir cet héritage, les élèves de l’école ont de multiples occasions de perfectionner cette langue et lui donner toute la place qu’elle mérite à travers de multiples activités scolaires et parascolaires, pastorales et culturelles.
Address | 110 Drewry Ave, North York, ON M2M 1C8, Canada |
Language | French |
Grade Level | High and Middle |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5537 |
School Board | CS catholique MonAvenir |
School Number | 733458 |
Grades Offered | 7 to 12 |
Additional Details | Religious and International Baccalaureate |
School Board Number | B67318 |
Catholic Schools (Nearby)
Your neighbourhood is part of a community of Catholic Schools offering Elementary, Middle, and High School programming. See the closest Catholic Schools near you below:
Madonna Catholic Secondary School
20 Dubray Ave, North York, ON M3K 1V5, Canada
Madonna is a highly diverse school community which strives to provide a common bond for its diverse population in several ways. The most evident bond in the school community comes from a shared sense of Catholic values provided through the environment of a Catholic school. Students are provided with a rich curriculum of religious studies supported by a co-curricular program consisting of school and class liturgies, retreats, community outreach, linkage with our local parish (St. Philip Neri), peer helping, peer mediation, and daily prayer. Madonna Catholic Secondary School is only one of the few schools in the Toronto Catholic District School Board which is currently offering a Specialist High Skills Major Program in the area of Health and Wellness.
Address | 20 Dubray Ave, North York, ON M3K 1V5, Canada |
Language | English |
Grade Level | High |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5506 |
School Board | Toronto CDSB |
School Number | 729019 |
Grades Offered | 9 to 12 |
Additional Details | Religious |
School Board Number | B67059 |
Chaminade College School
490 Queens Dr, North York, ON M6L 1M8, Canada
The ultimate aim which gives direction to Catholic secondary education is to provide those directions which make possible the maximum development of each young person as a being of unique worth and supernatural destiny. This involves the total development of the human person--religious, intellectual, cultural, emotional, social, physical and ethical. At Chaminade we foster the concept of the community and the Christian family. We celebrate our multiculturalism, our common membership in the human family and speak of the brotherhood among our students and graduates. The theme of mutual respect and responsibility for the school and what happens within the building and on the grounds, is stated as the responsibility of all in our community.
Address | 490 Queens Dr, North York, ON M6L 1M8, Canada |
Language | English |
Grade Level | High |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5509 |
School Board | Toronto CDSB |
School Number | 695947 |
Grades Offered | 9 to 12 |
Additional Details | Religious and All-Male |
School Board Number | B67059 |
Dante Alighieri Academy
2 St. Andrews Blvd, Toronto,ON,M9R 1V8
Dante Alighieri Academy, having its mandate from Catholic parents and the Catholic Bishops, strives to educate and form its students in the image of Christ to live as believing and compassionate citizens who will leave our community better equipped to function responsibly in a society whose values often run counter to the Gospel.
Address | 2 St. Andrews Blvd, Toronto,ON,M9R 1V8 |
Language | English |
Grade Level | High |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5522 |
School Board | Toronto CDSB |
School Number | 702935 |
Grades Offered | 9 to 12 |
Additional Details | Religious |
School Board Number | B67059 |
Parks & Rec.
Whether you want to sit at a park bench with a good book or use one of the special facilities offered, you'll be happy to know that your neighbourhood is close to many wonderful recreational opportunities. See Parks and Recreation facilities near you below:
Dubray Parkette
28 Dubray Ave
2 Lawn Bowling/Bocce Greens
Langholm Park
14 Langholm Dr
A 1.8 hectare park near Keele Street and Wilson Avenue that features a children's playground and an open green space. The western border of the park is a forested ravine that leads to Downsview Dells Park.
1 Playground, and 1 Trail
Downsview Dells Park
2515 Jane St
Downsview Dells Park is a 75 hectare park that follows the Black Creek ravine south of Sheppard Avenue to Jane Street at Troutbrooke Drive. The park features multiple picnic areas and fire pits in a wilderness and wetland setting.
1 Trail, and 1 Picnic Facilities
Robert Leek Park
3 Hanover Rd
This park is located where Dufferin Street ends just north of Wilson Avenue. The park features open green space and a children's playground with slides, climbers and spring toys. The District Chief Robert "Bob" Leek Monument can be found in the south-west corner of this park.
1 Playground
The public transit system can be an easy, cost-effective and efficient way of getting around the city, accessible from your neighbourhood. See the closest Public Transit stops near you below:
The nearest street-level transit stop is Keele St At Keelegate Dr
Every second matters in an emergency, and your neighbourhood is part of a dedicated safety system of emergency agencies including Fire Stations, Police Stations, and Hospitals. See the closest facilities near you below:
Humber River Hospital
Humber River Hospital is one of Canada’s largest regional acute care hospitals, serving a catchment area of more than 850,000 people in the northwest GTA. The hospital currently operates out of its Wilson Avenue site with a total of 656 beds, 3,300 staff, approximately 700 physicians and 400 volunteers. Affiliated with the University of Toronto and Queen's University, the hospital is home to Ontario’s first Centre of Excellence for laparoscopic bariatric surgery; Canada’s first home nocturnal dialysis program and a major cancer program. The new Humber River is Ontario’s first digital hospital, one that is a technological and environmental showcase. The Wilson site opened on October 18, 2015.
Type | Acute Care, Emergency Care, General and Rehabilitation Clinic |
Address | 1235 Wilson Ave, North York, ON, M3M 0B2, Canada |
Phone Number | 416-242-1000 |
The nearest fire station is Fire Station 144
Address | 2945 Keele St, North York, ON M3K 2C5 |
The nearest police facility is Toronto OPP
Address | 2682 Keele St, North York, ON M3M 3G5, Canada |