


With good assigned and local public schools near this home, your kids can thrive in the neighbourhood.

Nearby Schools
Winona ES

Designated Catchment School

Grades PK to 8

301 Lewis Road

Winona ES

Designated Catchment School

Grades PK to 8

301 Lewis Road

0.63 KM

Grade LevelPre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary, and Middle
Go to the school's website Read more in our detailed report
Orchard Park SS

Designated Catchment School

Grades 9 to 12

200 Dewitt Rd

Orchard Park SS

Designated Catchment School

Grades 9 to 12

200 Dewitt Rd

4.84 KM

Grade LevelHigh
Go to the school's website Read more in our detailed report
Look Deeper
ÉÉ Pavillon de la jeunesse

Designated Catchment School

Grades PK to 6

105 High St

ÉÉ Pavillon de la jeunesse

Designated Catchment School

Grades PK to 6

105 High St

13.86 KM

Grade LevelPre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Elementary
Go to the school's website Read more in our detailed report
ÉS Georges-P-Vanier

Designated Catchment School

Grades 7 to 12

100 Macklin St N

ÉS Georges-P-Vanier

Designated Catchment School

Grades 7 to 12

100 Macklin St N

20.28 KM

Grade LevelHigh and Middle
Go to the school's website Read more in our detailed report

Parks & Rec.

This home is located in park heaven, with 3 parks and 8 recreation facilities within a 20 minute walk from this address.

Winona Community Centre

255 Winona Road

8 mins
Winona Community Centre
1 Community Centre
1 Gym
Distance0.6 KM
Address255 Winona Road
Go to the park's website Read more in our detailed report
8 mins
Winona Park

1328 Barton Street East by Winona Road

9 mins
Winona Park
1 Playground
2 Ball Diamonds
1 Splash Pad
Distance0.7 KM
Address1328 Barton Street East by Winona Road
Go to the park's website Read more in our detailed report
9 mins
John Willson Park

480 Winona Road

14 mins
John Willson Park
1 Playground
Distance1.07 KM
Address480 Winona Road
Go to the park's website Read more in our detailed report
14 mins
Facilities within a 20 minute walk
  • 2 Playgrounds
  • 2 Ball Diamonds
  • 1 Community Centre
  • 1 Splash Pad
  • 1 Trail
  • 1 Gym


Public transit is at this home's doorstep for easy travel around the city. The nearest street transit stop is only a 3 minute walk away and the nearest rail transit stop is a 104 minute walk away.

Nearest Rail Transit Stop
Nearest Rail Transit Stop
7.83 KM
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Nearest Street Level Transit Stop
Barton Opposite Escarpment
3 mins
Nearest Street Level Transit Stop
Barton Opposite Escarpment
0.23 KM
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3 mins


With safety facilities in the area, help is always close by. Facilities near this home include a fire station, a police station, and a hospital within 9.41km.

West Lincoln Memorial Hospital
169 Main St E
West Lincoln Memorial Hospital
Distance9.41 KM
Address169 Main St E
Go to the hospital's website Read more in our detailed report
Fire Station
939 Barton Street
Fire Station
Distance1.89 KM
Address939 Barton Street
Go to the fire department's website Read more in our detailed report
Police Station
777 Hamilton Regional Rd 8
Police Station
Distance3.15 KM
Address777 Hamilton Regional Rd 8
Go to the police department's website Read more in our detailed report