With excellent assigned and local public schools near this home, your kids will get a great education in the neighbourhood.
Nearby Schools
ÉEP Grande-Ourse
Designated Catchment School
Grades PK to 8
1385 Halton Terrace
ÉESP Maurice-Lapointe
Designated Catchment School
Grades PK to 12
17 Bridgestone Dr
Other Local Schools
A.J. Charbonneau PS
Grades PK to 8
225 Baskin Dr W
Walter Zadow PS
Grades PK to 8
79 Ottawa St
Arnprior DHS
Grades 9 to 12
59 Ottawa St
With safety facilities in the area, help is always close by. Facilities near this home include a police station, a hospital, and a fire station within 13.41km.
Arnprior Regional Health
350 John St N
Fire Station
6900 Harbour St
Police Station
67 Meehan Street