With good assigned public schools near this home, your kids can thrive in the neighbourhood.
Nearby Schools
Bobcaygeon PS
Designated Catchment School
Grades PK to 8
30 Balaclava St
Fenelon Falls SS
Designated Catchment School
Grades 9 to 12
66 Lindsay St
Parks & Rec.
Fun is easy to find at the parks near this home. There are lots of opportunities for sports, relaxation and play in nearby parks and recreation facilities.
Forbert Memorial Centre and Pool
16 River Park Dr
Bobcaygeon Riverview Park
16 River Park Dr
Tommy Anderson Park
94 Dunn St
Henderson Park
1 Front St W
With safety facilities in the area, help is always close by. Facilities near this home include a fire station, a police station, and a hospital within 30.94km.
Ross Memorial Hospital
10 Angeline St N
Fire Station
1 Duke St
Police Station
12 Queen St