Public Schools (Assigned)
Your neighbourhood is part of a community of Public Schools offering Elementary, Middle, and High School programming. See the closest Public Schools near you below:
Brown Junior Public School
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary
454 Avenue Rd, Toronto, ON M4V 2J1, Canada
Brown School is situated on Avenue Road just south of St. Clair Avenue. The first school was built in 1910 and was replaced with a new building in 1972. Brown celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2010. For a century, Brown School has had a tradition of strong academic achievement and close relationships with our families and community. Our staff is a team of dedicated teachers and support staff who bring unique talents to our classrooms, along with many co-curricular activities. Each child is encouraged to strive for academic excellence while also adding balance to the day by pursuing an interest or talent from an extensive number of activities that are offered.
Address | 454 Avenue Rd, Toronto, ON M4V 2J1, Canada |
Language | English |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary |
School Code | 5208 |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-1560 |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
School Number | 067156 |
Grades Offered | PK to 6 |
School Board Number | B66052 |
Deer Park Jr and Sr Public School
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle
23 Ferndale Ave, Toronto, ON M4T 2B4, Canada
Deer Park Jr. & Sr. Public School is located at Ferndale Avenue, just east of Yonge Street and north of St. Clair Ave. It is a historic three storey building, with classrooms dedicated to visual arts, design technology, science, music, drama and dance for Grades 7 & 8. The school hosts a gym and swimming pool enabling all students to benefit from an enriched physical education program that includes swimming. Additionally, our facility houses two daycare centres for toddlers, pre-schoolers and school-age children. Deer Park is a designated full "access" facility supporting and hosting programming for students with multiple physical exceptionalities (JK-Gr. 8).
Address | 23 Ferndale Ave, Toronto, ON M4T 2B4, Canada |
Language | English |
Date Opened | 01-09-1969 |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle |
School Code | 5216 |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-1550 |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
School Number | 135798 |
Grades Offered | PK to 8 |
Additional Details | Special Needs Program |
School Board Number | B66052 |
District Description | Toronto and Area Regional Office |
ÉÉ Gabrielle-Roy
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary
14 Pembroke St, Toronto, ON M5A 1Z8, Canada
L’école est composée d’une équipe dévouée, compétente et engagée dans la réussite et le bien-être des élèves. Le personnel de l’école travaille tout en comptant sur votre appui, votre soutien et votre engagement comme parents partenaires dans l’éducation de vos enfants. Ce sont des éléments essentiels pour la réussite de tous et de chacun. Pour y arriver, la communication ouverte, continue et positive, entre l’école et la maison, est encouragée et soutenue car c’est le moyen le plus efficace pour assurer le développement et les progrès de vos enfants.
Address | 14 Pembroke St, Toronto, ON M5A 1Z8, Canada |
Language | French |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-1360 |
School Board | CS Viamonde |
School Number | 497134 |
Grades Offered | PK to 6 |
School Board Number | B66303 |
Collège français secondaire
High and Middle
100 Carlton St, Toronto, ON M5B 1M3, Canada
Le Collège français sera un milieu de vie stimulant pour tes amis et toi. Toute une équipe est là, chaque jour, pour t’aider à découvrir de nouveaux horizons et à mieux comprendre le monde qui t’entoure.
Address | 100 Carlton St, Toronto, ON M5B 1M3, Canada |
Language | French |
Grade Level | High and Middle |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-0175 |
School Board | CS Viamonde |
School Number | 918997 |
Grades Offered | 7 to 12 |
Additional Details | International Baccalaureate |
School Board Number | B66303 |
Oakwood Collegiate Institute
991 St Clair Ave W, Toronto, ON M6E 1A3, Canada
Oakwood has been a place of excellence for 107 years. We are proud of our tradition and our commitment to students, parents and staff. Oakwood offers Extended French, and a Specialist High Skills Major in both Arts and Culture and in Sports. We are a "Triple A" school -- we provide outstanding curricular and co-curricular programs in Academics, Athletics and the Arts, and our music, drama, visual arts, dance and athletic programs are highly regarded.
Address | 991 St Clair Ave W, Toronto, ON M6E 1A3, Canada |
Language | English |
Date Opened | 01-09-1969 |
Grade Level | High |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-1780 |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
School Number | 932191 |
Grades Offered | 9 to 12 |
Additional Details | French Immersion |
School Board Number | B66052 |
District Description | Toronto and Area Regional Office |
Public Schools (Nearby)
Lord Lansdowne Junior Public School
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary
33 Robert St, Toronto, ON M5S 2K2, Canada
Our mission is to maintain our tradition of excellence that provides equitable opportunities for student success and engages them to become life-long learners and contributing members of society. We are now a French Immersion Centre at the primary level, with French Immersion classes only! There are no English primary classes at Lord Lansdowne – local students are directed to Kensington Community School for the JK to Grade 6 regular English program.
Address | 33 Robert St, Toronto, ON M5S 2K2, Canada |
Language | English |
Date Opened | 01-09-1969 |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-1350 |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
School Number | 308560 |
Grades Offered | K to 6 |
Additional Details | French Immersion |
School Board Number | B66052 |
District Description | Toronto and Area Regional Office |
Central Technical School
725 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON M5S 2R5, Canada
Central Technical School is a full service secondary school that provides programming at every level! Our motto: “To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield" has inspired thousands of students to seek the best in themselves. Located in the heart of downtown Toronto, we pride ourselves on serving a diverse student population of almost 1,600 students. The world is welcome at CTS! We boast outstanding technical programs and a visual arts centre second to none. CTS staff, in partnership with families, employers and community agencies is committed to the cultural and moral development of our students.
Address | 725 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON M5S 2R5, Canada |
Language | English |
Grade Level | High |
School Code | 5610 |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-0060 |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
School Number | 900087 |
Grades Offered | 9 to 12 |
Additional Details | Fine Arts, STEAM and Special Focus |
School Board Number | B66052 |
Catholic Schools (Assigned)
Your neighbourhood is part of a community of Catholic Schools offering Elementary, Middle, and High School programming. See the closest Catholic Schools near you below:
Holy Rosary Catholic School
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle
308 Tweedsmuir Ave, Toronto, ON M5P, Canada
Holy Rosary Catholic School is an inclusive learning community rooted in the love of Christ. We educate students to grow in grace and knowledge and to lead lives of faith, hope and charity, with respect for themselves and the world around them. At Holy Rosary Catholic School, we transform the world through witness, faith, innovation and action.
Address | 308 Tweedsmuir Ave, Toronto, ON M5P, Canada |
Language | English |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5225 |
School Board | Toronto CDSB |
School Number | 719528 |
Grades Offered | PK to 8 |
Additional Details | Religious and French Immersion |
School Board Number | B67059 |
ÉÉC du Sacré-Coeur-Toronto
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary
98 Essex Street, Toronto, ON, Canada M6G 1T3
L’école élémentaire catholique du Sacré-Cœur a 125 ans d’histoire! C’est avec enthousiasme que travaille une équipe dynamique. L’école accueille plus de 150 élèves de la maternelle à la 6e année. La langue française et la catholicité sont des priorités chez nous. Aux niveaux académique et personnel, nous rassemblons nos efforts en vue de permettre aux élèves d’atteindre leur plein potentiel.
Address | 98 Essex Street, Toronto, ON, Canada M6G 1T3 |
Language | French |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5219 |
School Board | CS catholique MonAvenir |
School Number | 755532 |
Grades Offered | PK to 6 |
Additional Details | Religious |
School Board Number | B67318 |
ÉSC Saint-Frère-André
High and Middle
330 Lansdowne Ave, Toronto, ON M6H 3Y1, Canada
L’école secondaire Saint-Frère-André est une école accueillant les élèves de la 7e à la 12e année. Notre but premier en tant qu’établissement d’éducation est avant tout l’apprentissage et le développement de votre enfant dans un milieu francophone catholique stimulant. En vue d’offrir un enseignement de qualité et un choix intéressant d’options à nos élèves, nous offrons toute une panoplie d’activités parascolaires, ainsi que des programmes d’enseignement. «Offrir à l’élève une éducation de qualité dans un milieu de vie catholique et francophone où le respect de la personne, le sens d’appartenance à la collectivité franco-ontarienne, la promotion de l’excellence et enfin l’équité sont des valeurs visibles et essentielles à son épanouissement ». C’est non seulement la mission du conseil scolaire mais aussi celle des enseignants.
Address | 330 Lansdowne Ave, Toronto, ON M6H 3Y1, Canada |
Language | French |
Grade Level | High and Middle |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
School Board | CS catholique MonAvenir |
School Number | 691950 |
Grades Offered | 7 to 12 |
Additional Details | Religious and International Baccalaureate |
School Board Number | B67318 |
Catholic Schools (Nearby)
Your neighbourhood is part of a community of Catholic Schools offering Elementary, Middle, and High School programming. See the closest Catholic Schools near you below:
St. Michael's College School
High and Middle
1515 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5P
St. Michael’s College School was founded in 1852 by the Basilian Fathers, and stands as Ontario’s only independent Catholic school for young men. The school offers students in Grades 7-12 an enriched, Catholic, Liberal Arts education complemented by a number of diverse co-curricular programmes. As a community within the Catholic Church, St. Michael’s strives for excellence through a synthesis of culture and faith. The motto of the Basilian Fathers and St. Michael’s College School is “Teach me Goodness, Discipline, and Knowledge” (Psalm 118). This recognizes that being a good and disciplined individual, in charge of your own actions, is as important as the knowledge acquired through formal education. The motto is reflected in our mission to educate the whole person. Toward that end, St. Michael’s offers a Catholic, Liberal Arts education that exposes young men to as wide a range of knowledge as possible, encompassing the Humanities, the Arts, and the Sciences.
Address | 1515 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5P |
Affiliation | Christian and Catholic |
Grade Level | High and Middle |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Private |
Contact Name | Terence Sheridan |
Phone Number | 416-653-3180 |
School Board | N/A |
School Number | 887145 |
Grades Offered | 7 to 12 |
Additional Details | Religious and All-Male |
District Description | Toronto and Area Regional Office |
St. Joseph's College School
74 Wellesley St W, Toronto, ON M5S 1C4, Canada
The motto of St. Joseph’s College School is “Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor” (The love of Christ has gathered us together into one). This has reflected a long tradition of educating young women by focusing on their intellectual, physical, social and creative abilities in a loving, Catholic, faith-filled environment. Respect for the rights and dignity of all and service to others are important in our daily lives. The school is organized on a two-semester system and courses are offered at the Academic, Applied, Locally Developed, and Pre-Advanced Placement levels in grades 9 and 10, and at the University, College, Workplace, and Advanced Placement levels in grades 11 and 12. Specialty programs include: Gifted, Extended French, Rhythm and Movement, a sport-focused program in basketball, and Advanced Placement preparation in: Mathematics, Science, History and English. St. Joseph’s College School is a diverse and progressive community where every attempt is made to meet the needs of all students. We have provided over 155 years of tradition and excellence in the education of young women in Toronto and we invite any young woman who wishes to maximize her talents and leadership abilities to join our school community for her high school career!
Address | 74 Wellesley St W, Toronto, ON M5S 1C4, Canada |
Language | English |
Grade Level | High |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5514 |
School Board | Toronto CDSB |
School Number | 814954 |
Grades Offered | 9 to 12 |
Additional Details | Religious, Advanced Placement, Gifted/Talented Program and All-Female |
School Board Number | B67059 |
Parks & Rec.
Whether you want to sit at a park bench with a good book or use one of the special facilities offered, you'll be happy to know that your neighbourhood is close to many wonderful recreational opportunities. See Parks and Recreation facilities near you below:
Sergeant Ryan Russell Parkette
250 Avenue Rd
1 Playground
High Level Pumping Station Park
300 Macpherson Ave
A small park near Dupont Street and Davenport Road that features a children's playground and an open green space.
1 Playground
Lionel Conacher Park
80 Cottingham St
A small park near Yonge Street and St. Clair Avenue West that features a baseball diamond, a wading pool and a children's playground. The park is named after Canada's top athlete of the first half of the 20th century, MPP and MP Lionel P Conacher. This facility has street parking around the outskirts of the park.
1 Playground, 1 Wading Pool, and 1 Ball Diamond
Ramsden Park
1020 Yonge St
Ramsden Park has a large dog off-leash area, baseball diamond, two playgrounds and a wading pool. There is also a large outdoor rink, which doubles as a tennis court in the summer.
1 Dog Park, 2 Playgrounds, 1 Wading Pool, 12 Tennis Courts, 1 Ball Diamond, 2 Rinks, 1 Trail, and 1 Picnic Facilities
The public transit system can be an easy, cost-effective and efficient way of getting around the city, accessible from your neighbourhood. See the closest Public Transit stops near you below:
The nearest rail transit stop is Summerhill Station
The nearest street-level transit stop is Avenue Rd At Cottingham St South Side
Every second matters in an emergency, and your neighbourhood is part of a dedicated safety system of emergency agencies including Fire Stations, Police Stations, and Hospitals. See the closest facilities near you below:
Toronto General Hospital (University Health Network)
Toronto General Hospital (TGH) is leading the way in cardiac care, organ transplants and the treatment of complex patient needs. Every day at University Health Network, our four centres care for patients, along with our learning institute, conduct leading-edge research and train the next generation of health professionals.
Type | General, Organ Donor/Transplantation, Research and Teaching |
Address | 200 Elizabeth St, Toronto, ON, M5G 2C4, Canada |
Phone Number | 416 340 3111 |
The nearest fire station is Fire Station 311
Address | 20 Balmoral Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada |
The nearest police facility is Toronto Police Service Headquarters
Address | 40 College St, Toronto, ON, M5G 2J3, Canada |