Public Schools (Assigned)
Your neighbourhood is part of a community of Public Schools offering Elementary, Middle, and High School programming. See the closest Public Schools near you below:
ÉÉ Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary
65 Grace St, Toronto, ON M6J 2S4, Canada
Nous sommes heureux d’accueillir environ 360 élèves de la maternelle à la 6e année dans un milieu sécuritaire où il fait bon apprendre. À l’école élémentaire Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau, nous préconisons le développement global de l’enfant en mettant l’accent sur la pensée critique, la curiosité intellectuelle et l’imagination. Nous désirons outiller les enfants pour qu’ils prennent leur place dans un monde en évolution afin de devenir des citoyens engagés.
Address | 65 Grace St, Toronto, ON M6J 2S4, Canada |
Language | French |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-397-2097 |
School Board | CS Viamonde |
School Number | 165476 |
Grades Offered | PK to 6 |
School Board Number | B66303 |
Parkdale Collegiate Institute
209 Jameson Ave, Toronto, ON M6K 2Y3, Canada
Parkdale has a reputation as the "gem" of our community. We are characterized by our caring, inclusive and welcoming learning environment. Our programming is continually evolving to meet the needs and interests of our students in our changing community; our diversity is our strength and we proudly welcome all students. Our programs include an enhanced PreBaccalaureate program to prepare students for our International Baccalaureate Programme, and a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) in Horticulture and Landscaping. We are a dynamic learning community, located with easy access to the TTC, where everyone has opportunities to get to know one another.
Address | 209 Jameson Ave, Toronto, ON M6K 2Y3, Canada |
Language | English |
Date Opened | 01-09-1969 |
Grade Level | High |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-9000 |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
School Number | 933759 |
Grades Offered | 9 to 12 |
Additional Details | International Baccalaureate and Special Focus |
School Board Number | B66052 |
District Description | Toronto and Area Regional Office |
ÉS Toronto Ouest
High and Middle
330 Lansdowne Ave, Toronto, ON M6H 3Y1, Canada
L’école secondaire Toronto Ouest continue de bâtir un milieu d’apprentissage franchement exemplaire. Ce milieu diversifié, inclusif et sécuritaire offre à ses élèves des programmes d’excellence en sciences, mathématiques, langues, études sociales et arts. De nombreux clubs et activités socioculturelles et sportives viennent agrémenter le quotidien de nos élèves, leur permettant de joindre l’utile à l’agréable. Fondés sur des valeurs d’excellence, d’engagement et de dépassement de soi, l’enseignement et l’encadrement offerts à nos élèves leur permettent « de voir un avenir à la hauteur de leur vision où les choix de carrières sont guidés par leurs passions et qui offre la possibilité et les ressources nécessaires à leur réalisation ».
Address | 330 Lansdowne Ave, Toronto, ON M6H 3Y1, Canada |
Language | French |
Grade Level | High and Middle |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-532-6592 |
School Board | CS Viamonde |
School Number | 952803 |
Grades Offered | 7 to 12 |
Additional Details | International Baccalaureate |
School Board Number | B66303 |
Dr Rita Cox – Kina Minogok Public School
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle
100 Close Ave, Toronto, ON M6K 2V3, Canada
Dr Rita Cox – Kina Minogok Public School, previously known as Queen Victoria Public School, was founded in Parkdale in 1887. We are an inner-city school serving over 700 students coming from many different countries. Many of our students have arrived recently in Canada. The school community is proud of our new school which was built in 1999. We have a beautiful building adorned with student art work, murals, sculptures and displays. Recently the community lobbied to improve the play area in "Horsey Park", a play area serving the kindergarten, grades one and two, and the community. We negotiated a funding partnership of the TDSB, the City and the School Council. Our students and families are now enjoying a wonderful "top of the line" set of play equipment that is always busy!
Address | 100 Close Ave, Toronto, ON M6K 2V3, Canada |
Language | English |
Date Opened | 01-09-1969 |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-9200 |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
School Number | 465739 |
Grades Offered | PK to 8 |
School Board Number | B66052 |
District Description | Toronto and Area Regional Office |
Public Schools (Nearby)
The Grove Community School
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary
108 Gladstone Ave, Toronto, ON M6J 0B3, Canada
The Grove Community School is Toronto’s first public elementary school focused on environmental education, community activism and social justice. The Grove Community School, which opened in 2009, is located on the third floor of Alexander Muir / Gladstone Avenue Junior and Senior Public School. Both schools share the use of an extensive library and computer lab, gymnasium, auditorium, school yard, and outdoor classrooms. The Grove Community School is a small school of 120 students, from JK to Grade Six.
Address | 108 Gladstone Ave, Toronto, ON M6J 0B3, Canada |
Language | English |
Date Opened | 01-09-2009 |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-9150 |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
School Number | 526890 |
Grades Offered | PK to 6 |
Additional Details | Special Focus |
School Board Number | B66052 |
District Description | Toronto and Area Regional Office |
Lord Lansdowne Junior Public School
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary
33 Robert St, Toronto, ON M5S 2K2, Canada
Our mission is to maintain our tradition of excellence that provides equitable opportunities for student success and engages them to become life-long learners and contributing members of society. We are now a French Immersion Centre at the primary level, with French Immersion classes only! There are no English primary classes at Lord Lansdowne – local students are directed to Kensington Community School for the JK to Grade 6 regular English program.
Address | 33 Robert St, Toronto, ON M5S 2K2, Canada |
Language | English |
Date Opened | 01-09-1969 |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-1350 |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
School Number | 308560 |
Grades Offered | K to 6 |
Additional Details | French Immersion |
School Board Number | B66052 |
District Description | Toronto and Area Regional Office |
Central Toronto Academy
570 Shaw St, Toronto, ON M6G 3L6, Canada
Central Toronto Academy is a school that embraces 21st century learning. Our small size, caring staff and semestered format foster a climate that provides our students with a high school experience optimised for their personal growth and development. At CTA, we are Digital Innovators with classes offered online and blended learning formats where students receive Chromebooks in grade 9. In our diverse and inclusive learning environment, students become Compassionate Leaders who develop their skills through our leadership courses, student council and numerous extra-curricular clubs and activities. Driven by our strong SHSM, Bike and Cooperative education programs students become Experiential Learners.
Address | 570 Shaw St, Toronto, ON M6G 3L6, Canada |
Language | English |
Grade Level | High |
School Code | 5805 |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-0030 |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
School Number | 899437 |
Grades Offered | 9 to 12 |
School Board Number | B66052 |
Central Technical School
725 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON M5S 2R5, Canada
Central Technical School is a full service secondary school that provides programming at every level! Our motto: “To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield" has inspired thousands of students to seek the best in themselves. Located in the heart of downtown Toronto, we pride ourselves on serving a diverse student population of almost 1,600 students. The world is welcome at CTS! We boast outstanding technical programs and a visual arts centre second to none. CTS staff, in partnership with families, employers and community agencies is committed to the cultural and moral development of our students.
Address | 725 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON M5S 2R5, Canada |
Language | English |
Grade Level | High |
School Code | 5610 |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-0060 |
School Board | Toronto DSB |
School Number | 900087 |
Grades Offered | 9 to 12 |
Additional Details | Fine Arts, STEAM and Special Focus |
School Board Number | B66052 |
Catholic Schools (Assigned)
Your neighbourhood is part of a community of Catholic Schools offering Elementary, Middle, and High School programming. See the closest Catholic Schools near you below:
Holy Family Catholic School
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle
141 Close Ave, Toronto, ON M6K 2V6, Canada
The teachers at Holy Family strive to meet the individual needs of our students by providing comprehensive programming and a safe learning environment. Holy Family School provides a learning environment where models of Gospel values and Catholic doctrines, teachings and beliefs are an integral part of the daily life of the school.
Address | 141 Close Ave, Toronto, ON M6K 2V6, Canada |
Language | English |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5212 |
School Board | Toronto CDSB |
School Number | 716146 |
Grades Offered | PK to 8 |
Additional Details | Religious |
School Board Number | B67059 |
Bishop Macdonell Catholic School
Kindergarten, Elementary, Pre-Kindergarten and Middle
20 Brunel Ct, Toronto, ON M5V 0R5
Bishop Macdonell Catholic Elementary School is named after Bishop Alexander Macdonell, the first Roman Catholic Bishop of Kingston, Upper Canada. Now, a National Historic Person of Canada, he served in the Glengarry Fencibles as a military chaplain in Great Britain during the Napoleonic War and in Canada during the War of 1812. The multi-use facility complex will include two schools, a community recreation centre, community space and child care centre within a modern, three-storey structure. Many of the spaces within the buildings are shared, such as the school and community centre gym as well as the artificial turf field in the adjacent park. The design maximizes the available green space in the downtown site with an articulated green roof that spans a large part of the complex's footprint.
Address | 20 Brunel Ct, Toronto, ON M5V 0R5 |
Language | English |
Grade Level | Kindergarten, Elementary, Pre-Kindergarten and Middle |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5462 |
School Board | Toronto CDSB |
Grades Offered | PK to 8 |
Additional Details | Religious |
ÉÉC du Sacré-Coeur-Toronto
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary
98 Essex Street, Toronto, ON, Canada M6G 1T3
L’école élémentaire catholique du Sacré-Cœur a 125 ans d’histoire! C’est avec enthousiasme que travaille une équipe dynamique. L’école accueille plus de 150 élèves de la maternelle à la 6e année. La langue française et la catholicité sont des priorités chez nous. Aux niveaux académique et personnel, nous rassemblons nos efforts en vue de permettre aux élèves d’atteindre leur plein potentiel.
Address | 98 Essex Street, Toronto, ON, Canada M6G 1T3 |
Language | French |
Grade Level | Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Elementary |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5219 |
School Board | CS catholique MonAvenir |
School Number | 755532 |
Grades Offered | PK to 6 |
Additional Details | Religious |
School Board Number | B67318 |
ÉSC Saint-Frère-André
High and Middle
330 Lansdowne Ave, Toronto, ON M6H 3Y1, Canada
L’école secondaire Saint-Frère-André est une école accueillant les élèves de la 7e à la 12e année. Notre but premier en tant qu’établissement d’éducation est avant tout l’apprentissage et le développement de votre enfant dans un milieu francophone catholique stimulant. En vue d’offrir un enseignement de qualité et un choix intéressant d’options à nos élèves, nous offrons toute une panoplie d’activités parascolaires, ainsi que des programmes d’enseignement. «Offrir à l’élève une éducation de qualité dans un milieu de vie catholique et francophone où le respect de la personne, le sens d’appartenance à la collectivité franco-ontarienne, la promotion de l’excellence et enfin l’équité sont des valeurs visibles et essentielles à son épanouissement ». C’est non seulement la mission du conseil scolaire mais aussi celle des enseignants.
Address | 330 Lansdowne Ave, Toronto, ON M6H 3Y1, Canada |
Language | French |
Grade Level | High and Middle |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
School Board | CS catholique MonAvenir |
School Number | 691950 |
Grades Offered | 7 to 12 |
Additional Details | Religious and International Baccalaureate |
School Board Number | B67318 |
Catholic Schools (Nearby)
Your neighbourhood is part of a community of Catholic Schools offering Elementary, Middle, and High School programming. See the closest Catholic Schools near you below:
Mary Mother of God School
Elementary, High, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Middle
1515 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON M6R
Since 1993, Mary, Mother of God School, an affordable, coeducational, independent school in the Catholic tradition, has been dedicated to providing an academically solid, well-balanced education in a joyful environment. Since the autumn of 2010, with the foundation of The Francis de Sales Centre, the school has been offering a high school education as well.
Address | 1515 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON M6R |
Affiliation | Christian |
Grade Level | Elementary, High, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Middle |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Private |
Contact Name | Gordon Nixon (Secondary), Gordon Nixon (Elementary) |
Phone Number | 416-531-7897 |
School Board | N/A |
School Number | 876160 |
Grades Offered | PK to 12 |
Additional Details | Religious |
District Description | Toronto and Area Regional Office |
St. Mary Catholic Academy
66 Dufferin Park Ave, Toronto, ON M6H 1J6, Canada
The St. Mary’s community is built on our Catholic Gospel values, which are the foundation of our school philosophy. It is for that reason – our commitment to being witnesses of our faith – that we nurture the spiritual and religious development of all members of our community. Our commitment to our religious journey is marked by several important community-building traditions, including daily prayers, regular school masses, and liturgies. In addition, we have an active Chaplaincy Team that provides support to our community as we nurture the development of the whole child.
Address | 66 Dufferin Park Ave, Toronto, ON M6H 1J6, Canada |
Language | English |
Grade Level | High |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5528 |
School Board | Toronto CDSB |
School Number | 689831 |
Grades Offered | 9 to 12 |
Additional Details | Religious and International Baccalaureate |
School Board Number | B67059 |
Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton CSS & Regional Arts Centre
1515 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M6P 1A3, Canada
Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton is a multicultural co-educational Catholic secondary school which provides challenging educational opportunities to all of our students. Throughout the educational process, our students are encouraged and challenged to grow intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically within the framework of a Catholic community. The Arts School @ Marrocco houses a comprehensive secondary school arts program. The new arts focused curriculum was introduced by the Toronto Catholic District School Board in the fall of 2004.
Address | 1515 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M6P 1A3, Canada |
Language | English |
Grade Level | High |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5545 |
School Board | Toronto CDSB |
School Number | 691798 |
Grades Offered | 9 to 12 |
Additional Details | Religious, Special Focus and Fine Arts |
School Board Number | B67059 |
St. Michael's Choir School
High, Middle and Elementary
67 Bond St, Toronto, ON M5B 1X5, Canada
St. Michael’s Choir School is a unique collaboration between the Archdiocese of Toronto and the Toronto Catholic District School Board. With an enrollment of 280 boys, the school offers a complete curriculum of academic studies for Grades 3 to 12, including French immersion, language, social sciences, mathematics, and science. In addition, through a unique enrichment program, students can broaden their studies beyond the traditional curriculum and classroom setting. Liturgical music is at the centre of the Choir School — one of only six choir schools in the world affiliated with the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music. Each student participates in one of the school’s four choirs.
Address | 67 Bond St, Toronto, ON M5B 1X5, Canada |
Language | English |
Grade Level | High, Middle and Elementary |
Orientation | Catholic |
School Type | Public |
Phone Number | 416-393-5518 |
School Board | Toronto CDSB |
School Number | 834718 |
Grades Offered | 3 to 12 |
Additional Details | All-Male, French Immersion, Religious and Special Focus |
School Board Number | B67059 |
Parks & Rec.
Whether you want to sit at a park bench with a good book or use one of the special facilities offered, you'll be happy to know that your neighbourhood is close to many wonderful recreational opportunities. See Parks and Recreation facilities near you below:
Bill Johnston Park
65 Western Battery Rd
A small linear park running the length of north side Western Battery Road near King Street West and Strachan Ave in Liberty Village.
1 Dog Park
Massey Harris Park
945 King St W
1 Splash Pad
Liberty Village Park
70 East Liberty St
A small park near King Street West and Strachan Avenue that features a children's playground. Central to the park is a large building that was once the Roman Catholic Chapel of the Toronto Central Prison. Part of the prison wall still remains.
1 Playground
The public transit system can be an easy, cost-effective and efficient way of getting around the city, accessible from your neighbourhood. See the closest Public Transit stops near you below:
The nearest rail transit stop is Exhibition GO
The nearest street-level transit stop is East Liberty St At Pirandello St West Side
Every second matters in an emergency, and your neighbourhood is part of a dedicated safety system of emergency agencies including Fire Stations, Police Stations, and Hospitals. See the closest facilities near you below:
Toronto Western Hospital (University Health Network)
Toronto Western Hospital is located in the vibrant heart of the downtown communities of South Annex, College, Queen and King Street West. It is a 272-bed academic health science centre dedicated to delivering exceptional patient care, providing a breadth of services from emergency care to sophisticated brain surgery. As a world leader in neuroscience, TWH is constantly pushing the boundaries of research, offering pioneering treatments and using state-of-the-art technology. The hospital also has a strong community focus, providing innovative programs for and information to children, seniors, diabetes patients and many multicultural groups. With expertise in musculoskeletal health and arthritis, the hospital's programs also include orthopaedics, rheumatology and the hand program as well as a busy Emergency Department that sees more than 60,000 patients yearly.
Type | Emergency Care, General, Research and Teaching |
Address | 399 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON, M5T 2S8, Canada |
Phone Number | 416 603 2581 |
The nearest fire station is Fire Station 346 CNE
Address | 90 Quebec St, Toronto, ON, Canada |
The nearest police facility is 14 Division
Address | 350 Dovercourt Rd, Toronto, ON, M6J 3E3, Canada |